Mining and processing operation

  • mining of sand dunes contains floating of a dredge inside artificial pond and using the water jets to push the sand at the front part of this pond which estimated to be of an area of about 45000-50000 m² filled with saline water .
  • This pond will be done in planned routes making use of the saline surface water.
  • Only authorized persons will be allowed to attend the ponds locations ( dredge team and technical support persons ) .
  • The sand slurry will be passed to a floating concentration main plant which can separate minerals ( about 3.4% of the inlet raw material ) , rejecting the tail to the back inside of the pond.
  • This process is planned to be executed for a rate of about 1 km/year.
  • Separated minerals will be transferred to a stock pile open silos and be transferred to a mineral separation plant , so these silos are designed to be closer as possible to the separation plant.

Separation plant main roles are :

1- Separation of main minerals: Ilmenite , Rutile and Zircon .
2- Separation of secondary minerals: magnetite , garnet and monazite .

- Separation plant contains mainly two parts , the dry and wet sections , the wet section contains magnetic and centrifugal separation sections . the minerals are transferred to the dry section in a slurry shape , then are stored after using water separation devices.
- Heavy loaders are used to feed the dry section with dry minerals after drying using gas driers, then electrostatic and magnetic separation equipment's are used , the dry separated minerals are transferred using conveyor belts .